
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Academic Games

Reed and I signed up for Academic Games. Mr. Pevzner is the teacher and he's really awesome. Right now we just go for about 30 minutes after school and answer questions that are in the actual games. The games don't start until January but I like that Mr. Pevzner is getting together a team and starting to practice. I think it's gonna be really fun and I'll probably do it again next year.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

8th Grade

8th grade has been a blast so far for us. It's so much fun to hang out with friends and have a great time at school, but with getting older comes harder classes. We have all of the honors classes. All of them are hard, but the one that has stood out to us is English 8 honors. We get bucket loads of homework every time, but it's still a great class with a great teacher. Our worst favorite class would have to be art. We hate it. It's so boring, and all we do is talk about vocabulary. It's like history, math, and art combined with vocabulary. We have all of the same classes this year.

We're Lovin' it!